Monday, July 2, 2012

What is sexy? The Stiletto

Every individual of the female persuasion in the city of  Los Angeles  loves the stiletto. This shoe is coveted by women and admired by men. It has long been argued who actually invented the shoe but it reached it's height in popularity in the late 1950's Women began to fall in love with the sultry look on the likes of silver screen stars such as Veronica Lake, Betty Grable and Rita Hayworth.
 Stiletto heels are particularly associated with the image of the femme fatale. They are often considered to be a seductive item of clothing, and often feature in popular culture
 No doubt husbands took note of the way that the stylish footwear accentuated the female form as well. I can't think of a man who doesn't love the sight of his companion in heels whether he escorts her to a Grande affair in a cocktail gown, sits beside her in a business suit, ogles her high tight behind in a pair of tight jeans, or she entertains him while wearing stilettos and only her birthday suit. The stiletto heels are always a crowd pleaser when compared to any other type of heel simply because they make the wearer so sultry and alluring
 Stilettos give the optical illusion of a longer, slimmer leg, a smaller foot, and a greater overall height. They also alter the wearer's posture and gait, flexing the calf muscles, and making the bust and buttocks more prominent.
 Why I think even Cinderella had a beau who was enamored by her choice in foot wear, and Dorthy couldn't make it home without her shoes. (yes maybe they weren't stilettos but I thought it was kind of corny and funny:)

I, like any other hot blooded American female have an ever growing collection of the fabulous shoes myself. Stilettos give off a carnal aire to the wearer. Maybe it's the juxtaposition of the phallic symbol and the delicate arch of the female foot. Now there's something to fill your mind with for the rest of the day:)

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